
Belle James

Belle James, a nomad for ten years and a believer in romance since she was a little girl. Her first novel took shape while camping with the three amigos, Saddleback Sadie, Wandering Don, and Audacious Author (Belle James). Each had their own rigs, traveling in a caravan around the BLM (Bureau of Land Management) lands in the Long-Term Visitors Area, when not visiting the two-week designated areas.

Audacious Author Belle James wrote stories about love, nomad travels, and gold prospecting. With her first story written and accepted by Combat Boots Media, she applied for the Tender and Tempting Anthology. Her short stories are on her blog. Running Scared will be published by Combat Boots Media in the Spring of 2025. 

Belle James, Tender and Tempting Anthology, Moonlight and Margaritas, Moonlight Rendezvous